Calculating carbs
Calculating carbs
I have given the nutritional analysis at the bottom of each recipe. As ingredients vary so much this is only a guide, but it will help you see the nutritional value of the meals in respect of carbs, protein and fats. You can use various software such as or to calculate your daily carbs (and there are significant discrepancies between them) or the Carbs and Cals app or book.
Alternatively, I find it a good idea to look at what you are eating and imagine it as a pile of ingredients or read the label – if it was originally low-carb ingredients such as a few almonds, a vegetable, an egg, meat or fish with a little flavouring then go ahead and eat it. If it was a pile of wheat flour or rice originally, poor quality fat, sugar and various additives then it will be high in carbs so don’t.
In essence keep carbs fairly low (depending on where you are on the CarbScale, enjoy good-quality protein and be generous with good fats. Your goal is to switch your metabolism from storing fat to burning fat as an efficient energy source.
Our carb calculations are given in Net Carbs which is Total Carbs minus the Fibre.