Sausage Rolls

December 2020

We have always loved sausage rolls in this family so when we went low-carb and gluten-free I was determined to find a way to still enjoy them. Rather than smothering them in tomato ketchup, mustard is a sugar-free choice. Xanthan gum gives strength to low-carb pastry, you can find it is large supermarkets or here.

Try to find high-meat content sausages, if possible containing no rusk or flour, to keep the carb count down. Our local butcher makes up rusk-free sausages for us if we can buy in bulk. We freeze them in batches.

Ingredients - Serves 12

Makes 12 sausage rolls

6 high-meat content sausages

1 egg yolk, to glaze

For the pastry

130g ground almonds

1/2 teaspoon xanthan gum

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon salt

30g softened butter or lard

1 egg

Heat the oven to 200° C/180°C fan/400°F/gas mark 6. Cut two piece of baking parchment the same size as a large baking tray.

Use a large metal spoon to mix the dry ingredients together for the pastry. Add the butter, egg and a tablespoon of water (or a little more depending on the size of your egg) to create a smooth, well blended dough.

Use your hands to gather it into a ball and remove it from the bowl. Divide the pastry into two and gently roll each half into a ball.

Roll the balls out, between the two pieces of baking parchment, to form two long, thin rectangles approximately 30 x 12cm (12 x 4½ in) and 3mm (1/8in) thick. You can cut away misshapen pieces and add them in as necessary to make your shapes.

Peel the skin from the sausages and lay 3 each along the centre of the rectangles. Obviously, some sausages are shorter or fatter than others but you can squeeze or stretch the sausagemeat out accordingly to fit the length. Use the paper to roll up the pastry to cover the sausages. Trim the edges of the pastry as necessary. Cut each roll into 6. Use one piece of baking parchment to line the tray.

Lift the sausage rolls onto the prepared tray and brush with the egg yolk. Put the tray into the oven to bake for 20 to 25 minutes, until the pastry is golden brown. Remove from the oven and serve the sausage rolls warm or at room temperature. Once cooled they will keep in the fridge for up to 3 days in a container. They will also freeze for up to 3 months.

Learn more great recipes by joining us on one of our low carb cookery courses. See HERE for a list of upcoming dates.

Per serving: net carbs 1.4g, 1.3g fibre, 4.7g protein, 11.2g fat, 130kcal