
by Claire McDonnell Liu

Our daughter was just 6 months old when she experienced a lengthy seizure, lasting over 25 minutes and requiring hospital treatment.  Many more distressing seizures occurred over the next 18 months, resulting in countless ambulance trips, hospital stays and investigations. 

We researched the Ketogenic diet and were excited to have the possibility of reducing our daughter’s seizures with foods, instead of strong anti-epilepsy medication. The Keto diet is well evidenced, having been used as an epilepsy treatment since the 1920’s.

Our daughter began her Keto diet around her second birthday, enjoying a ‘keto’ birthday carrot cake as one of her first foods. Within days of her diet changes her seizures began to reduce drastically, in duration and frequency. He sleep, confidence and smile also returned, she became her happy, active self again.

Claire and husband Justin Liu have been inspired to start leafie.org an organisation that aims to help families improve their health and lives with nutrition”.

Notes: Ketogenic diets have been recognised as a therapy for epilepsy since the 1920’s.  Research shows that Keto diets can significantly reduce or control seizures.
Keto diets are typically high in fats and low in carbohydrates.  The aim of a Keto diet is to switch the body to using fat for energy instead of glucose, mimicking fasting.