Paper-lining a baking tin or a lid

by Katie Caldesi

This is a simple trick to line a cake tin. It is used a lot in Italian cooking when making cakes. It also saves washing the tin!

I think it is prettier to tear the circle out so that you have rough edges and have it protruding above the edge of the tin.


Alternatively, you can use scissors to cut a zig-zag edge to it or even cut half-heart shapes into the folds so that when you open it out they become full. This is a little like forming your own doily and great when the cake or tart is going to be served in the paper.

Cut or tear a piece of baking parchment larger than the surface you are going to cover.

Fold the piece of paper in half and then in half again.

Now fold the edges in to make a triangle.

Fold again the same way.

Put the pointed end of the triangle into the centre of the tin and measure out to see where you need to cut it.

Now either tear or cut the paper at that point. Open out the circle and use.

You can see us use it in the Strawberry and Cream Tart.

The same method makes a circle of paper to cover fruit or vegetables when they are poaching or steaming. It is often called a cartouche and has a small hole, around 2.5cm (1”) across in the centre to let the steam out. It also stops a skin forming on sauces as they cool.