Mike’s Story
October 2020
Mike, age 29
My names Mike, age 29, Head of Account Management for a health and safety company in Buckinghamshire.
When I was younger, I was a keen rugby player, both out of a love for the sport and as a route to staying in good shape. Unfortunately, about 4 years ago, I broke my ankle during a game which led to me being off my feet for 18 weeks. During this time, and the period of low activity that followed, I put on 4 stone. As time passed, I never managed to lose the weight I had put on and actually ended up putting on a further 2 stone. The picture below is from a local music festival that my band performed in, where I was around 7 stone overweight.
After years of trying different diets to kick start my journey back to fitness, I had nearly given up. Then at Christmas 2019, I went to visit my brother who had recently been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and couldn’t believe my eyes. He had been following a low carb diet, using the Caldesi cook books as a guide and was not only looking remarkably slim but had also reversed the symptoms of his diabetes. This left a massive impression on me, playing on my mind in the days after. I decided that from the first week in January I would give it a go myself. After years of a carb heavy diet, the initial period was a bit of an adjustment to say the least. However, I lost 2 stone in the first 6 weeks of following the low carb diet. This initial weight loss gave me the confidence to then get back to running regularly and back to the gym. Over the next 6 months, I lost a total of 6 stone, using a combination of regular exercise and a low carb diet, while still allowing myself the occasional treat!
What I found different about this diet is that it was a change of life style, with some simple carb alternatives to everyday meals, I don’t ever see myself going back to a carb heavy diet.
I can honestly say it has changed my life, I feel more comfortable in my body but also my state of mind has really lifted. I am now aiming to lose the last 14lbs and get back down to my rugby playing weight. I’m also aiming to try and run a marathon next year, which I would have thought was crazy last year but now seems perfectly achievable. Thankyou Mr and Mrs Caldesi!
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